Wednesday, January 4
Talk by Cindy Sheehan, with Ann Wright
Church of the Crossroads, 7 pm
Organized by Not In Our Name-Hawai`i
Cindy Sheehan didn't wait! Late last summer Cindy Sheehan spoiled Bush's vacation by camping along the road leading to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Cindy is the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, and demanded that Bush meet with her. After Bush refused, supporters from across the US joined her for a month at Camp Casey (the huge encampment named after Cindy's son). Her actions against the war in Iraq gave hope to millions, and have re-invigorated the anti-war movement. On September 26th, the day of a huge anti-war protest in Washington D.C., Cindy and her supporters were at the door of the white-house staging a sit-in (where she, along with Ann Wright were busted). On November 2nd Cindy was a featured speaker at the San Francisco World Can't Wait protest.
On Jan 4th we'll also have a chance to hear Cindy Sheehan speak. And she'll be joined by Ann Wright (career State Department diplomat who quit her post in protest of the war in Iraq). Ann has been traveling with Cindy (and also got arrested with Cindy on Sept 26th and then during the Thanksgiving holidays during a 2nd encampment at Crawford, Texas). Both have also been on a rigorous anti-war speaking schedule throughout the fall. WCW HAWAII
--The Dharma