recently submitted a letter to the editor to the Maui News (Friday, August 11) on the proposed Superferry that will run between Oahu and Maui. I thought it was hard hitting and addressed an important issue that no one else had talked about, the influx of Crime from Oahu. I expected it to be edited by the crack staff at Maui News because it was over 300 words, but I never expected the title to be changed.
My title "The Superferry and Maui Crime" was thoughtfully changed to "Superferry, aka H-4, a road to Maui for miscreants"
What? H-4?? Miscreants??? What type of “spin” is this??
Perplexed since I have only vaguely been exposed to this word in old English love novels and political campaign speeches by Warren Harding, I felt compelled to look it up in my 1957 version of Webster’s.
Miscreant (mis’kri-ent) adj. Ofr miscreant, unbelieving ppr. Of creire, to believe. 1. villianous; evil 2. unbelieving; heretical; infidel.
So now my letter is about importing Unbelieving Criminal Infidels from Oahu?
I think I like that title better!