at least that is the report I get from DU News Maui correspondent Quetzal: hated our last mayor, Apana, and disslike our current mayor. I don't hate him as a person (I know him personally - he just attended my grandmother's 90th birthday party) - it is just that he could have a stronger environmental policy. He made Rob Parsons, a member of the Green Party, a part of his cabinet. I think you just have to trust me on this one - Awakawa is much better than Apana.
Apana, the Democrat, had no environmental policy at all for the county of Maui. Even though we were going through heavy sprawl, he had no plan to deal with it. He also had no interest in curbing growth of any sort of growth. He had no plan to deal with the impending water crisis on Maui. Who were his major campaign contributors? Mostly developers like Everett Dowling (former UH regent).
Who is this Rob Parsons? Well in 2002 during the primary election, Rob Parsons, a Green ran on the primary ticket alongside Democrat Apana and Republican Arakawa. Although Parsons lost the primary, a sizable amount of Maui voters voted for him - enough to put the runoff election in a tossup. No major party candidate could deciecively win without the support of Parson voters. Members of the Green party suddendly became "swing voters". Both candidates tried to woo environmentalists with their "Green Agenda". Well, it was Arakawa who won in the end - he received the endorsement of Rob Parsons. The reason why so many liberals voted for Parsons was because of their opposistion to the Apana administration. Besides, Arakawa had a noted record working on water conservation on Maui.Historically, Hawai'i Dems, especially Neighbor Island Dems, have been rather close with the developers. This apparently is what left Kimo Apana open to being "Nadered" by Rob Parsons. What can our Dem party do to counteract this trends?
Thing is, what's the alternative? Remember the last time before this that Maui had an (R) mayor? Now look. The whole state is suffering because of it. And you know that Arakawa has her on speed dial, so he can get patched through to Karen Hughes... :puke:
During the next mayoral election, I would not be suprised if a Green and a Republican went at it in the runoff election.Hmmm... a Green with a real chance to win? Wonder what the Green-bashers in GD would do if it came down to Green vs. repuke?
If you're bummed out about the sorry state of Honolulu's city council, read the original post at the link above for a description of the critters in the Maui Zoo, er, I mean "County Council"!
Anyone out there from the two remaining Neighbor Island counties, Hawai'i and Kaua'i? We should have a thread going for each.