Edited on Fri Nov-05-04 05:55 AM by shindig
but we can fight back if we learn to combat with similar phrases.
See right now they scream BABY KILLER. It's as if they are convinced that George Bush can stop abortions or something. Obviously, all George Bush can do is appoint justices to the supreme court who will affirm laws that CRIMINALIZE abortions.
But the pro-life movement is framing the debate as: Who do you choose, a president who is a baby killer, or one that will stop abortions? Most people will pick the one who will stop abortions.
We need to frame the question as: Who do you choose, a president who will make abortions safe and rare, or one who will throw mothers in jail and give mothers the death penalty for having a needed abortion? If you phrase it like that, at least we have a chance that they will choose the make abortions safe and rare option.
Do you see what I mean? We're not combating them slogan for slogan. This is a market driven socitey. The republicans are killing us with branding.
People don't think of the ramifications of making abortions illegal, because the republicans are pounding home the simple phrase "baby killers." But we are just freezing up and panicking that we are going to lose our rights, and we are OUTRAGED, instead of coming up with ways to combat the people who are trying to take our rights away with slogans.
The phrase "baby killer" is catching on. We need to combat that by reminding them that the alternative to legalized abortion is our own phrases like "COAT HANGERS" and "MOTHER'S THROWN IN JAIL."
You can't count on people thinking, you have to make them realize things with slogans. We're still not giving people a clear reason to choose us, instead of choosing them.
And they are branding us to death on all the moral issues, not just on abortion. On all the issues, they are beating us with branding, not just the moral issues, come to think of it.