Is Linda Lingle popular? Well, that depends on who you ask.
Linda Lingle won in 2002 with
fewer votes than in 19981998 Governor's Race:
Democrat - Cayetano and Hirono - 204,206
Republican - Lingle and Koki - 198,952 Governor's Race
Republican - Lingle and Ainoa - 197,009
Democrat - Hirono and Matsunaga - 179,647 what does this mean? It means that Democrats didn't show up to vote in 2002. There were many high profile corruption cases that year, and all of them involved the Democrats. The governor at that time, Ben Cayetano, was also unpopular with quite a large number of voters.
Lingle won because Democrats didn't show up to vote. I'm sure it will all be different when 2006 comes.
And if the governor is so popular, why didn't her party make any gains in the state house and senate this year? All of her vetoes are just overturned by the legislature.
Prior to this year's election, she had 15 Republican members in the state house - now there are only 10 out of 54!!
In the state Senate, she didn't make any gains - only 5 out of the 25 state senators are Republican.
Was the presidential election in Hawaii closer this time? Yes, it was. I have two theories as to why it was close this year.
1) Republican campaigning by Cheney here in the islands
2) High military population
Nobody expected Hawaii to become a swing state in the final week of the campaign. Republicans became pumped up in Hawaii like I have never seen them last week. Cheney's visit to the islands motivated them to come out in higher numbers this year compared to others.
However, Cheney's visit ALSO prompted Democrats to come out in high numbers as well. I know of many Democrats that voted for Lingle in 2002 but are now angry because she is too close Bush administration, and Cheney's visit just reinforced that anger. Democrats in Hawaii voted against both President Bush and against the Republicans on the local level. That is why the Republicans did so poorly on the legislative level this year.
The Republicans got killed on the negihbor islands of Kaua'i, Maui, and the Big Island. However, I was suprised by their numbers on the island of O'ahu.
O'ahu of course has a high military population. Most of those that serve in the military are from poor, racially minoirty areas (i.e. Hawaiians, Filipinos, etc.) These districts went to Bush because military families have traditionally supported presidents when they are at war.
And no, North Korea is not an issue here. We rarely think about it.