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...No Cigar
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 20:44:13 EST
Subject: Where's the tolerance?
So let me guess, you didn't like my postings under yngcelt because they threatened your total lack of acceptance and so-called "tolerance' of others. You know, I read your membership guidelines and I have to tell you I have never read so much hypocrisy or double talk since Michael Moore's last book! You say your website is a place for debate. WHAT DEBATE??!! How can you have any kind of a debate if you only allow those who you agree with to post? You democrats accuse the Republicans of being closed minded and intolerant when it is you who are closed minded and intolerant. Go on any right leaning website and see if they will allow you to post if you disagree with them and their beliefs. Guess what? They do allow other viewpoints and encourage open debate on issues. It's no wonder you guys lost the last two elections. What a sad, and pathetic party you belong to. Oh well, see ya in 2008!! Losers.
Shawn -------- esquire
--------, HI
P.S. I sent some attachments of some inspirational artwork for y'all!Hawai'i DUer responds: Way to "live aloha", dude! Eh, whatevahs. Cool head, main t'ing.