- oh and still shoveling the kukae with the best of them.
I for one was not wild about Ward Churchill coming here. It wouldn't be the worst thing if he went and practiced free speech say at Texas A&M or Georgia Tech. But while he was here I did read his comments and this summary though it is the packaged and approved response is not accurate.
Even more untruthful is Memminger's recounting of why he got letters from DU. If I recall correctly it was because he called the senator from Massachussetts, (site of the Revolutionary War but somehow now code in Republican for Un American- whose TWO brothers, one president and one Attorney General, were gunned down by assasins), a gutless ....hypocritical pompous toad politician ."
Memminger said that Ted Kennedy "made him sick". He wrote:
"U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy, the pathetic, bloated black
sheep of both the Kennedy family and America in general, had the audacity
to say in a speech, "U.S. military presence (in Iraq) has become part of
the problem, not part of the solution."
He couldn't pass up the opportunity to bring up Chappaquiddick, though conveiniently neglected to mention Laura Bush's car accident that killed her boyfriend or George W's arranging for his minor girlfriend's illegal abortion. And rightly so, it would have served no purpose. He should have left Kennedy's tragic past alone too.
If you recall this was a week of constant hassle from the right for Kennedy. They seemed hateful to me.
At a stop light yesterday a local man in a pickup truck had a bumpersticker that said "There are Patriotic Americans, and then there are Democrats". I asked him what that meant. He advised me that the Democrats are hate filled and don't have any ideas, just criticism. As his face changed colors and his blood pressure appeared to rise he yelled to me that Democrats are scum. When I asked him where he gets his news he pointed to his own head. "Rush and Fox! Don't listen to the propaganda!" As the light changed I told him I would have to agree about the propaganda, gave him a big loving smile and pulled away. I wonder what he thought when he saw my bumperstickers. (Kerry, Obama.)
Sad thing is he is listending to propaganda, he is filled with hate. He loves his country, except for the half that are democrats. I wonder if he thinks the Democratic soliers who died in Iraq were scum, or the Democrats who died in the twin towers were scum. I think he is insane and I am sorry for the dark place his mind has become under the influence of Rush Limbaugh (liar to the max) and fox news.
I love my country too. My father and grandfather, both Democrats, are buried at Punchbowl, veterans of WWII, Korea and Vietnam. At their services I recieved a flag, and was told that folded flag was given with the thanks of a grateful nation.
I don't think the right remembers them or their peers today.
I am a Democrat, and I vote for a republican representative because she cares about the environment and energy policy and is an honest and capable person who is trying her very best to make this a better place. (Theilen)
My point is that the political labels are less important than what you do.
The clean elections bill has supporting testimony from both Linda Lingle and the Democratic Party. Here's a place where the left and the right agree on what is best for the state, but it will be an uphill battle. The only articles I have seen have been half wrong, completely wrong, or on another bill. It is the most meaningful legislation on the table today and it is being silenced. Here is Charlie Memminger again, with a constant opportunity to inform and he is doing what he does best. Whining. About those mean Democrats. (Charlie, since I know you are reading this, what orifice did you just pull that finger from? Just asking. )
We are all Americans. People who behave like Charlie Memminger and the lunatic next to me in traffic forget that we are on the same side. Even though this administration calls the Democrats "the enemy", that is not the truth. The enemy remains ignorance, hatred, fear, and poverty. Oh, and Al Quaeda. That is the truth here at home and around the world.
OK here's Charlie's plug for DU:
"I recently wrote a couple of columns daring to say that the Kaneohe Marines killed in Iraq did not die in vain. For that, I am being savaged on a Democratic Party Web site (democraticunderground.com) as a "fascist pile of garbage" and an "ignorant s--head." Other anti-war types called for me to leave the country because of my column, and one suggested I be fired from my job. "
(Is that so? I thought he said he got tons of fan mail?)
edited to add the link, quirky though it is...click on Memminger's Honolulu Lite at