This is an unofficial list, posted elsewhere at DU: it looks like it may contain some "inside scoops". Shafter, Hawaii - The "US Army Pacific" doesn't need its own base with 1400 soldiers and 2000 civilians in expensive Hawaii. It should be eliminated or cut down to a dozen soldiers and based within the Pacific Command headquarters at Camp Smith, while other elements migrate over to Schofield Barracks. I Corps in Washington state can "command" the few army units in the Pacific. Recent reports are that the Army wants to expand little-used Camp Zama in Japan to house a major headquarters in the Pacific; I Corps would move there and absorb 8th Army from Korea and some elements from Shafter and Alaska.If this happens, it will obviously hit the local media ("Our strategic location in mid-Pacific should protect us from any further base closures") like a thunderbolt from the blue, dominating the headlines for weeks. You, however, will be able to say, "Y'know, I read something about that a few weeks ago on DU...".