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Eminent Domain in Washington DC

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cranston36 Donating Member (112 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-26-05 03:18 PM
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Eminent Domain in Washington DC
Not too long ago the city of Arlington, Texas acquired about 200 homes and businesses to develop the new $650 million stadium for the Dallas Cowboys.
President Bush, part owner of the Texas Rangers, used his influence to help the Texas Rangers use Arlington, Texas and their liberal eminent domain laws to take land, homes and businesses to build a ball park for the Texas Rangers.
His influence in Washington and his liberal reading of private property law seems to have infected the city of Washington, DC.
In Washington, DC the District government filed court papers in order to seize $84 million worth of property from 16 owners in the Southeast section.
They declared the homeowners and business owners have 90 days to leave and make way for a baseball stadium.
The city officials want to keep construction of the Washington Nationals' ballpark on schedule to open in March 2008.
There still has been no reasonable response from the Washington, DC council about the activities of Councilmember Jim Graham of the First Ward who had kept the skull of William Wirt in his office for quite a while.
The skull was taken from the crypt containing Wirt’s body. William Wirt was a 19th century American statesman who had run, at one point, for the office of the presidency representing the ‘Anti-Mason’ party.
The slow corruption of our nation is spreading from council chamber to council chamber across the land. Americans are being pushed off their land and no one cares.
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ed murrow Donating Member (88 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-26-05 03:26 PM
Response to Original message
1. Emminent Domain is not always bad
The Texas Rangers deal was as crooked as a dog's leg...they condemned the lan they wanted and that allowed them to pay way under the actual value of the property.

I am living in DC and from what I read this seems to be a much better deal they are paying $13 million.

Plus this neighborhood was in avery bad way before this ballpark idea came along
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northzax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-28-05 09:26 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. yeah, but under DC law
the city has to help relocate the businesses. Now where are they gonna put some gay clubs and a waste transfer station? that's the hangup.
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