ReDefeatBush will be changing into its new identity on 1/20/05 with a gigantic coming out party at the world's first Counterinaugural Ball in Washington. Details coming soon.
1. You are Needed in Ohio on Saturday: ReDefeatBush is organizing people from the Maryland, DC and Virginia areas to join us on a trip to Columbus Ohio Saturday 12/4 to protest the failure (so far) to secure a recount in time to change how Ohio's electoral votes will be cast. This demonstration is at the State Capitol (High and Broad Streets) from 1:00 to 4:00. Please sign up to go with us at and tell us if you have a car if we decide to do a car caravan instead of a bus trip. The idea is to leave early Saturday morning and return late Saturday night without overnighting in Ohio, but with bathroom and food breaks along the way. The demonstration is sponsored by the Citizens' Alliance for Secure Elections and you can learn more at Very Slowly the Major Media Hears our Questions: We spent a good long while with Jules Witcover, the Washington Bureau Chief of the Baltimore Sun and one of the most experienced political journalists in the U.S. The result is this:,1,4963772.columnFor more on this including the beginning of our reply, check the site Easy Math about Ukrainian Democracy: Almost as many Americans believe there were "some" or "many" attempts to intimidate or prevent legitimate voters from voting in the U.S. presidential elections as there are Ukrainians in Ukraine, and yet almost none of the major American news organizations are yet covering the allegations of massive vote fraud here at home. According to a post-election Harris Poll, 38% of Democrats and 37% of people who do not identify with either of the two major parties believe there were either "some" or "many" attempts at unlawful vote suppression. The most conservatively you could estimate the number of Democrats would be 37% of the 128M Americans who actually voted, although of course the number is much higher since close to half those eligible did not vote. But even if we focus only on the Democrats who did vote that is 18M Americans, and when we add in those who are not enrolled in one of the two major political parties the number of Americans ! who do not trust the legitimacy of our own elections is 30.3M people. To put this in context, there are approximately 37M Ukrainians in Ukraine but somewhere around half of them were content to live with the stolen election there, meaning there are about twice as many Americans who don't believe George W. Bush won a fair election as Ukrainians who believe that Viktor Yanukovych won a fair election. The big difference, of course, is that the American media is under more severe ideological constraints than is the state-owned media of Ukraine. Journalists in Ukraine are willing to risk their careers to write about massive vote fraud there, but American journalists are not.
Sign our petitions and get updates on the election fraud story at If you need to get up to speed on the recounts in OH and NH and credible evidence of fraud in NC, IN and FL you can start with Top Ten Questions About the Legitimacy of the 2004 Presidential Election: David Lytel for ReDefeatBush
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