Just curious what locals think about him.
I see him as just another self serving politician who fails to set an example of leadership that constituents can respect. Just a pol looking for ways to boost his own ego by spending other people's money at a time when local governments can't afford it. Why isn't he driving a used Prius instead of a new black on black Lincoln Navigator?
http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/looselips/2011/02/21/a-close-read-of-kwame-browns-suv-lease-deal/When LL first broke the news in January that the city is paying nearly $2,000 a month for Council Chairman Kwame "Fully Loaded" Brown's Lincoln Navigator, his office said Brown was "appalled" at the high cost and was looking into whether the District could get out of the contract in an affordable way.
Now that the Washington Post has a Sunday front-pager expanding on the story—with some unflattering e-mails showing Brown has put the city on the hook for an extra Navigator because he didn't like the gray interior he was offered at first—Brown appears to be really looking into getting out of the lease.
"He is checking into returning it," says Brown's spokeswoman Traci Hughes, when LL followed up on a tweet from WUSA9's Bruce Johnson saying Brown was going to return the SUV. Hughes says Brown isn't going to release a statement until he has all the information regarding the cost of terminating the lease.snipped