Praise Inanna, Allah, and Buddha, that somebody finally had the ovaries to say it in a major media source. Copies should be made and posted in every Smithsonian bathroom and sprinkled liberally around Metro and the Hard Rock Cafe.
Hello! If you are reading this column, it's because you're a tourist visiting Washington.
So, what's this all about? Let's just consider it some friendly advice designed to make your stay in Washington more enjoyable. Or, more accurately, designed to make your stay in Washington more enjoyable for us , the people who actually live here. It's a little something I call "Rules for a Tourist in Washington, D.C."
1. Stand to the right. Even though Washington voted overwhelmingly for John Kerry in the last election, it is still part of the United States of America. (At least last time I checked!) And in the United States, we drive on the right and pass on the left.
That's an easy way to remember what to do on the escalators of our acclaimed Metro system. Do not clog the escalator like a blood clot in an artery. Do not stand in a big, impenetrable clump. Stand to the right so we may carefully climb past you. Hey, we have a train to catch!
2. Get out of the way. The rules of physics apply as inexorably in Washington as they do where you come from. That means two objects may not occupy the same space simultaneously. When the escalator deposits you on the platform, you must get out of the way. If you stand there, congratulating each other for having successfully ridden your first escalator, we're going to run into you.