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Well, Lipinski pulled it off in the 3rd...

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mohinoaklawnillinois Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-22-06 02:11 AM
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Well, Lipinski pulled it off in the 3rd...
My take on it.. Mr. Wonderful and I voted at 6:30 am this morning, I was the 6th voter and he was the 7th voter in our precinct, Worth Township #21. When we got to the polling place, there was only 1 touch screen machine and 8 booths for the optical scan ballots.

The guy in front of me decided to use the touch screen machine, so I opted for the optical scan ballot as did Mr. Wonderful. We went to our separate booths and voted. BTW, when the guy started using the touch screen machine, this particular judge was standing right behind him and when the guy starated to cast his vote, something went completely haywire with the touch screen machine. Apparently this judge put the card in wrong or something...

When I finished voting, after Mr. Wonderful, there were about four people in line in front of me to scan their ballots. However, because the ballots were getting stuck in the machine, the election judges had decided to break the seal on the machine and were pulling these ballots out by hand. The one judge (the same one that messed up the touch screen machine above) tried to grab my ballot to put in the machine and I told him "hold on, I'll put it in the machine. He backed off and said "well you have to take the top of the ballot off before you can scan it.. I didn't understand exactly what he meant, so he said there's a perforation that has to be taken off at the very top of the ballot and because we didn't realize this, I think that is what the problem is with these ballots getting stuck in the machine". "I said fine, but I'll take the top of the ballot, just show me where the perforation is." He tried to grab my ballot again and told him "don't touch it.. Just show where to start to fold it." He showed me where the perforation was and I took it off the ballot. I then proceeded to put my ballot into the scanner and once again, my ballot got stuck. The judge then proceeded to pull my ballot out and threw it into the box. Now this ballot box wasn't really a ballot box. It looked like a blue bag that was probably about 18" around and about 2' long.

Mind you, the seal was broken and by rights, this bag should not have been exposed the way it was... Even years ago, when Cook County used paper ballots for various reasons, there was always a locked box to but them in.

After the polls closed tonight and I came home Mr. Wonderful asked me, "do you think our votes for John Sullivan were counted"? I told him absolutely not.."

The judges in our particular precinct didn't have a clue of what they were doing.. First of all, the ballots should have been handed to us with the perforation already taken off. But the woman who's job was to give people the optical scan ballots, just ripped them off the tablet they were on and didn't bother telling anyone that you had to rip the very top of the ballot off along the perforation.

Secondly, this male judge was obnoxious to point that I got pretty upset. He's the father-in-law of our so-called Dem precinct captain who also happens to work for Lipinski..

There was no reason to rush 8/9 people at 6:40-6:45 am to cast their votes. There was no line behind us, in fact after our group voted, the next time anyone came near the polling place was after 7:00 am.

I'm not saying that John Sullivan would have won this primary tonight, Lipinski had the troops out big time today. But I'm angry that I feel for the first time in my experience of voting since 1972, that my vote was not counted correctly or counted at all..

It was obvious today, at least to me, that not one of these judges, knew what the hell they were doing. Pathetic...

I'm pretty discouraged right now. The voters of the 3rd CD voted in a total DINO. They get what they deserve. John Sullivan was the only real Democrat running in this primary today. But the "Cook County Regular Dems" won the day. Along with the help they provided the asshat candidate John T. Kelly.

Once again, the bungalow dwellers in the district, voted against their own best interests. I only hope they wake up sometime and realize what a bill of goods they've been sold...
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Critters2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-22-06 03:32 PM
Response to Original message
1. Another reason I miss the caucuses
It's pretty easy to count raised hands, and everyone in the caucus is counting 'em. Hard to cheat at that.
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mohinoaklawnillinois Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-22-06 08:02 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Right about now the caucus system for the primary sounds good,
but believe me, the Cook County Regular Dems would figure out some way of rigging that system as well...

I'm coming out right now and saying I will not vote for Daniel W. Lipinski in November. I'm not going vote for anyone for Congress in my district.

At this point in time, it looks like the only candidate I'll be voting for in November is Blago...and even that will be with me "holding my nose"... The thought of another Puke governor and lieutant governor in Illinois is just too much to take at this point...

I don't give a ratass about the rest of the Democratic ticket in November. I really could care less....
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