I jsut wanted to take a few moments to note the passing of two great progressives I used to work with in Champaign-Urbana. They both died in the last week, and they deserved to be remembered.
First, John Lee Johnson. I met John Lee when working at Champaign County Health Care Consumers. I loved John Lee's sharp wit, but also his commitment to the people of central Illnois. He worked with Homebuild to make it possible for first time homeowners, most of them people of color, to get mortgages. I worked with one of his clients to negotiate a payment plan with a local hospital, so that that debt wouldn't keep her from getting a loan. HIs commitment to her was remarkable. He also worked with other agencies, like the Illinois Center for Citizen Involvement, was politically active in C-U, had a show advocating progessive politics on WEFT-radio, and other issues. Mostly, he was a gret guy to have in the office across the hall--and one of several people in that suite who taught me that, where there's a will, there really is a way.
And Bill Mueller. Bill was the hardest working advocate for working people I've ever known. And for Bill it was never about making a name for himself or getting credit, just quietly working to make life better for others. Bill and I shared an office for 3 or 4 years, and for a time I supervised his work with "The Dental Program". In time, he did the work of helping poor people get dental care so well, that that program became his responsibility solely. HIs community organizing skills were superb, and again, were driven by his anger over the plight of the poor. But he wanted the campaigns he worked on to be of AND for the people. He was their advocate, but always listened to their concerns first. I remember watching the anger Bill would express whenever he learned of any injustice against the poor--be it unjust billing practices by hospitals, union-busting, or national Republican economic policies. Bill was driven to care, and I admired that so. I'll miss Bill's regular e-mailings of the latest Molly Ivins or Paul Krugman columns.
I jsut didn't want these two great advocates for working and poor people to pass without other Illinois progressives to know about them. Please of their families, and of all those in the organiziations to which they gave such dedication and commitment.
Thanks for reading.
To Bill and John Lee.... :toast: