so much bullshit goes around when loyalty and honesty are at odds. i have no idea what is going on behind closed doors here. i can only assume, based on little real knowledge, which is what everyone else here is also doing. this real knowledge i do have- these are all good people. they are not crybabies. they are people operating out of integrity and principles. and out of deep concern for the democratic party. i do not think that anyone is acting out of hurt feelings and pettiness. i do not have any idea what, specifically, is bothering christine and co, but if i were to speculate and guess like everyone else, i would have to say that something happened that goes beyond winning and losing, and certainly beyond cafta and health care. maybe they have specific concerns about the vote counting. i sure do. maybe it is something else. maybe there were serious dirty tricks perpetrated. i wouldn't be surprised. loyalty is a tricky thing. it so often butts up against principle, forcing hard choices. certainly, decent republicans had their party stolen from them when they chose loyalty over principle. i think too many in our party are making bad decisions in the face of a ruthless enemy (and in favor of unprincipled friends), choosing winning over principle. but that is me. die on my feet v live on my knees and all that. i suspect a lot of dupage dems are staggering, trying to stay on their feet. they know they face no good choices. but the road ahead is clear to a lot of them. winning without honor is just not in their vocabulary. those on the tammy side do no credit to their candidate by calling people whiners, etc. i wish we knew all the facts. i wish democrats were all perfect. i wish that we were not facing such a monsterous regime, and did not need to make such hard choices. i wish that the my party behaved better from the get go. maybe they now reap what they have sown. let's at least try to recognize that we do not have the facts here. let's try not to put TOO many words in people's mouths. let's hope that an official statement is forthcoming. let's hope that we stay better than the republicans. let's hope that we can come together. unfortunately, without honesty, these wounds are unlikely to heal very well. i wish christine would spill the beans, and hope for the best. i wish rahm and co could also be honest. but that's me. i admit that might not help to beat roskam. but shut up and get in line is no way to build the party.