I have not posted here in quite some time. Part of it has to do with being away, and another is needing some inspiration to post. Two weeks ago I had some inspiration, but this morning, I had more.
Last month, I found out through some Dems in Champaign that fmr Senator John Edwards was going to be visiting some old friends in Bloomington on June 27th, and as turned out, he was scheduled to be in Chi-town to give a speech that morning. I wrote the One America Committee staff to see if I could meet him for a few minutes, since Edwards doesn't come to the Downstate very often. Miraculously, I was given some time to spend with him and talk with JRE (commonly known to his supporters) for 10 minutes uninterrupted, after he was had to do a call-in interview to the Randi Rhodes show that afternoon.
Just so you know, I am just a blogger, and middle class, but I worry about the middle class slipping away, and was able to tell John Edwards that I was drawn to his candidacy because of the issue of poverty. If you wish to visit my
blog, I have posted my experience along with pictures.
This morning, I was checking the junk folder in one of my e-mail accounts, and discovered I had a lovely surprise waiting me. It was from Elizabeth Edwards, who posted on my blog last week. I had wished her a happy birthday, and
she was so nice to let me know that she appreciated it.
What this tells me is that John and Elizabeth are down-to-earth folks who care about people. I hope he decides to run again for the Presidency, but only if Elizabeth stays cancer free, which she is at present.