DU meetup???
Last year I hosted a group called bike4peace as they bicycled their way from Washington State to Washington DC in a peaceful protest against the war and occupation in Iraq, and the US oil policies and how these policies are harming our earth. They gathered more than 200 bicyclists by the end of their journey and they were a major physical presence at the DC anti-war rally, making a real statement about alternative transportation, gas usage and oil dependence, as well as joining in that mass protest of US actions in Iraq.
My own small part in their journey began with a "peace potluck" at my place in Wheaton IL which turned into a major media event when Cindy Sheehan joined the party and a good time was had by all. A group from Spokes bike shop in Wheaton joined the bike4peace guys and other supporters in a warm send-off at the end of their 2 day stay, riding for part of the way towards LaPorte, Indiana - their next stop.
I don't expect Cindy this year but I will be hosting the bike4peace group again. I'd like to invite you to be a part of the action and join me in getting the bike4peace message out in the greater Dupage County area.
How can you help?
1. Come to our bike4peace welcome peace potluck! It is going to be on Wednesday September 6th beginning at 6 pm. I am holding it at our farm in Aurora called Baythorne Farm. Here are the mapquest directions:
http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?searchtype=address&country=US&addtohistory=&searchtab=home&formtype=address&popflag=0&latitude=&longitude=&name=&phone=&level=&cat=&address=3S557+Norris+Rd.&city=Aurora&state=IL&zipcode=60506Feel free to bring a friend, a dish to pass and a chair. Ron Toppi the founder of bike4peace will be speaking. My farm is less than an hour straight west of Chicago.
2. Host one or more of the riders for the 2 days they are staying in the area. Last year the guys went into Chicago on their day off so it was really easy for me. I provided breakfast and dinner, took them to the store for any supplies they needed, they did their own laundry and updated their emails. Mostly they slept! This is a wonderful group of interesting people grateful for a real bed (not their camping cots) with a real shower. Please pm me for any questions or to volunteer.
3. Ride with the bike4peace guys! They are departing on Friday, September 8th at 9 am from the Wheaton Spokes bike shop. Even if you can only spare time for a short ride or just a chance to wave them good-bye, it really thrills the group to get a big send-off! If you want to ride a longer distance or even ride the rest of the way to Washington DC with Ron and the rest of the group you may want to visit the bike4peace website at
http://bike4peace.org.Thanks ahead of time to everyone who has already helped in this endeavor. Hope to see you all!