I am so pissed about this! i got this crap in the mail today and am sending blago an email. it appears to be taxpayer funded--this "legislative update"
maybe someone here knows if this crap is legal? can someone tell me? because i'm really hot about it.
here's my email:
"Today I received a "24th District Legislative Update" from "State Senator Kirk W. Dillard" that states "printed by Authority of the State of Illinois" "July 2006" "70,500 copies."
This newsletter spends a lot of time slamming YOU, governor. "Governor Blagojevich and the Chicago Democrat-led General Assembly continues their reckless course of "borrow and spend."" and "The Blagojevich Administration has increased state debt by $15 billion.." Then, on page 2: "Governor Blagojevich's Administration, already under federal investigation for corruption in handling public money at the Illinois State Toll...." and "This pension raid by Blagojevich and the Democrat-controlled General Assembly means every man, woman and child owes more than $3,000 in new liability" and on and on.
I am extremely disturbed to see that my tax dollars are going to Dillard so he can do back-handed endorsements for Topinka. Although she isn't mentioned in this newsletter--the implication is clear. Perhaps this type of newsletter is done by all the state senators--that they insult and slam members of the other party and I'm just not aware of it. But coming up on an election, to see that my tax money is paying for Dillard's propaganda ads is quite disturbing. IS THIS LEGAL? CAN THESE SENATORS USE OUR TAX MONEY TO DO THIS INDIRECT CAMPAIGNING AGAINST MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSING PARTY under the guise of a "legislative update"?
Why are the taxpayers of Illinois paying for Dillard to campaign against you? I'll be voting FOR you. I certainly don't want to be paying for literature that is negative about you. I look forward to your reply."