If towns in the district have ordinances that regulate when signs can go up (x number of days prior to primary or general election-my village's ordinance says no earlier than 30 days and must be removed within 7 days after the election. Of course, that appiles to signs that are placed in the ground. So, right now I have a small sign in my window.
Also, if there are ordinances that require the candidate to pay a "sign permit fee" to the town. In my village the fee is $50 for the primary and $50 fore the general. Not really a serious violation and the most common method of detection is a resident who doesn't like your candidate who calls the village hall to complain.
And, last, but not least, is when the signs are actually available. I have not received word from my candidate that his signs are ready for us to pick up and distribute. It has to do with money and when the signs can go in the ground.
Judy Biggert can probably afford to have a lot of signs, so I'd start looking 30 days before the election.