Peoria congressman Lahood Tues evening, reviewing the Foley fiasco, explained that (1) the congressional page system should be abolished in order to avoid these kinds of problems (leads one to wonder how many other "situations" are lurking out there - esp. in GOP-family-values-land); and (2) Hastert's staff knew about the situation a long time ago but didn't inform him.
Yeah, right. And the dog ate my homework all the way through the eighth grade too. The only thing I could figure was maybe the Repubs put this guy up as some kind of comic relief for the whole thing??
For years I thought we Virginians had the world championship for electing dimwitted bozos to public office (you gotta admit, George Allen is truly world class in that category). But now I see that Peoria is trying to horn in on our territory!!!
Let's just hope our DU pals in that area can help retire Mr. Lahood back to private life so he can see what it's like to try to earn an honest living. Maybe his buddy Hastert could join him in departing from DC??