I like to affectionately call him, Sen. "Da Bears" Obama, because every once in awhile I pick up on a Chicago accent and he reminds me of that skit from SNL. I'm sure he would hear a drawl when I speak, so it probably evens out.
Anyhooo, I was too caught up in Clark's campaign as an independent before I joined the Party and had to pay attention to the Senate race. After I voted for him in that, I worked a bit harder for him than some of the other candidates where I live. So, I followed him around when he was in the Metro East. I was extremely impressed with his speech at the '04 convention. But, he's never topped that in any other speeches I've seen him give. I still think he's an exceptional speaker.
What's been most important to me is how he works as a Senator, I've been relieved that I can pretty much trust his judgement on the issues he works on and how he votes. I feel the same way about Sen. Durbin. I may not agree entirely all the time. But, I've seen so many other Representatives and Senators, whose views are so far from my own(yes, like Santorum, one of the worst), that helps me appreciate what we have here in Illinois.
My perception of him when I watch him is that he approaches the discussion of issues thoughtfully and respectfully. I've never seen him look like he's lost his cool. In fact, he has a really healthy sense of humor(especially about himself). And he's smart enough to know that if you really want to get something done, especially in a Republican-dominated Congress, a Senator or Representative has to be willing to cross the aisle and work with them. This is a recent example of success with doing that.
http://obama.senate.gov/news/060926-obamas_first_law_known_as_google_for_government/index.htmlIf he can do that in a Republican-dominated Congress, think of what he'll be able to do when we take it back. ;-)