How many get printed?
I used to write frequently, and have a small stack of letters they've printed, but lately I've had no luck. I try to keep them short and to the point, but they never print mine anymore.
I'm not complaining about mine not getting printed so much as I'm complaining about the crap they do print. Like today's gem, for example:
Here's another gem they recently printed:
Still in to winI say, enough with the liberal democrats and their multiple plans to fail in Iraq. There have been many mistakes in this war – nobody can deny that. One of which is not the troop build-up in Baghdad. If anything, security experts have agreed a troop increase is necessary to secure the Iraqi capital for years. We should not be fighting for a smooth withdrawal, but rather to win. I don't care if I am the last red-blooded American in Cook County to say this, but I want to win the Peace in Iraq. The Democrats complained for 3 years, since 2004, that we didn't have enough troops in Iraq. Now there is a proposal on the table to increase the amount of Troops in Baghdad and to try and stabilize the situation. The liberal democrats that are obsessed with losing in Iraq are campaigning long and hard to oppose this. What a shame. The majority party in Congress is committed to fighting and losing. I've never been prouder to be a Republican after seeing the actions of the Democrats in the last 2 months. I won't stop supporting an American victory in Iraq. I only hope that my fellow Americans realize the need for a victory in that country. God Bless America, and may god forgive the Democrats for their support of our enemies. Let's win this war!
Nick Ridge
Mt. Prospect, IL The letter from Ridge is barely readable. One paragraph, poor grammar, incorrect capitalizations, etc.
I know their editorial board cheer leads for the Chimp, but lately, they seem to be printing more and more fantasy-based letters rather than letters based on fact. I've also noticed the same names appearing again and again.
They printed one awhile back where the writer blamed hurricane Andrew on Bill Clinton. I posted it in GD and DUers let the Trib have it. It created such a ruckus, the Trib pulled the letter. Can they not afford editors who fact check? Have they lowered their standards to tabloid level? Are they so desperate to print letters that agree with their point of view that they'll literally print any POS that crosses the wires just so long as it bashes Democrats? :shrug:
I know the Trib has no use for Bill Clinton, but printing a letter blaming a hurricane that struck under GHWB on Bill Clinton is low even for them.