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Sun-Times to straighten up and fly left?

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dogman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-10-07 04:31 PM
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Sun-Times to straighten up and fly left?,CST-EDT-reed10.article

Snip> We are returning to our liberal, working-class roots, a position that pits us squarely opposite the Chicago Tribune -- that Republican, George Bush-touting paper over on moneyed Michigan Avenue. We're rethinking our stance on several issues, including the most pressing issue facing Americans today: Bush's war in Iraq.

Snip> This involves you, too. We will offer -- through the Internet and in the printed paper -- more avenues for you to register your opinions, to talk back and tell Chicagoans what you think, what rankles you, what impassions you. We'll be adding new features that let readers rant on the issues that most enrage you and allow you to offer your solutions.

Snip> We'll be adding seats to our editorial board so that board members -- the paper's brain trust -- reflect the ethnic and social diversity of our city. You'll be hearing from a more diverse population -- people who will agitate you and make you think. Some you might agree with. Eventually we'll be listing the names of our board members, indicating who has penned which editorials.

Snip> We'll also be saying goodbye to some columnists and adding new ones. We plan to employ columnists who write about real issues that affect our lives in Chicago. And in that vein, we'll be offering the libertarian/conservative views of Steve Huntley, my predecessor, three times a week.

We shall see.
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greatauntoftriplets Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-10-07 04:43 PM
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1. Anything would be an improvement...
Right now, it reads like a cheap supermarket tabloid.
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mopinko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-10-07 08:18 PM
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2. that and getting the damn thing on the porch routinely
will get me to subscribe to daily paper again. the trib sucks, but if it wasn't at my door at 7, it was there within 30 min of making the call. the sun-times delivery would be a joke in a third world country.
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