,CST-NWS-sweet10.articleSnip> The district represented by former House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), expected to announce in a few weeks if he will run again, is seen by a political newcomer as promising for a Democrat, so much so that he is poised to put $1 million in his primary race.
Snip> I don't write about polls unless I can see the entire survey and I did. The Foster campaign polling firm, Global Strategies, interviewed 402 likely voters in the the 14th Congressional District April 3-5 with a margin of error plus or minus 4.9 percent.
Snip> In a "generic" House match-up for November 2008 (a nameless Republican vs. a nameless Democrat), Democrats trump Republicans 40 percent to 30 percent.
Snip> Foster filed papers with the Federal Election Commission noting that he intends to spend up to $1 million of his own money on his race. Also running are attorney Jotham Stein of St. Charles, the first to file and John Laesch, who was the 2006 Democratic nominee and got 40 percent of the vote. State Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia (D-Aurora) may run if Hastert quits.
We can hope.