An ad for his dairy in which Oberweis appeared prominently was aired prior to the March 04 primary. His lawyers had advised him he would not be violating FEC rules. Oopsie.-snip-
In the December-to-January period before the 2004 primary, Oberweis was featured in a central Illinois TV ad called "Sunny Side Up," making breakfast for some of his dairy's home-delivery customers.
The FEC said Oberweis' campaign wrongly benefited from the ads, which it said constituted a corporate contribution by the dairy. Corporate contributions are prohibited by federal campaign law.
The FEC ruling was the result of a complaint filed by Tim Timoney, the Sangamon County Democratic chairman, shortly before the March 2004 primary. At the time the complaint was filed, Oberweis' campaign dismissed the move, with a spokesman saying, "Any pipsqueak can file a complaint with the price of a postage stamp."
-snip- weighing a bid for the congressional seat now held by former House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Plano.,0,5883734.story