Any word on "Roscum" vs Morgenthaller race?
Paula Sims
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Sat Nov-01-08 02:14 PM
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Any word on "Roscum" vs Morgenthaller race? |
How's that going? The DNC/DCCC doesn't seem to want to support the DuPage candidates -- any of them!
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Sun Nov-02-08 11:02 PM
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1. I was making calls for Morgenthaler last month |
Edited on Sun Nov-02-08 11:15 PM by skorpo
I remember that many people knew nothing about her. She's been running TV ads and I'm seeing more of her signs as I drive through the area. It's an uphill fight against Roskam in this very conservative area. BTW I'm also seeing many more Obama signs in this area too. :) :)
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Wed Mar 12th 2025, 11:52 PM
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