An unpopular Republican President once said, "Elections have consequences."
Just because a Republican voter didn't get their man into the Governor's mansion in our last gubenatorial contest is no reason to deprive Illinois of a Democratic Senator, by potentially allowing a Republican to win President-elect Barack Obama's vacated seat in a so-called, "special election."
The Illinois Constitution makes it abundantly clear that the filling of Senatorial vacancies is to be by Gubenatorial APPOINTMENT, with the advice and consent of the Illionois Senate.
ARTICLE IV, Section 2 (d) of our state Constitution reads,
'Within thirty days after a vacancy occurs, it shall
be filled by appointment as provided by law. If the vacancy
is in a Senatorial office with more than twenty-eight months
remaining in the term, the appointed Senator shall serve
until the next general election, at which time a Senator
shall be elected to serve for the remainder of the term.'
If a Republican voter had wanted to change the Illinois' Constitution, and the process by which Senate vacancies were filled, that voter should have spoke up when former Governor Ryan, a Republican, was the crook in Springfield, and NOT now, when our current crook happens to be a Democrat.
It reeks of partisanship, political hand-wringing, and hypocrisy.
And isn't that why, in part, Blagojevich is in trouble right now?
The people of Illinois are better than that, and deserve better.
If Blagojevich should be impeached (and I think he does), then impeach the guy, and let his replacement, Pat Quinn, choose Senator Barack Obama's replacement.
It is the process we have in place - and to suggest anythig else, at this time, under the current circumstances in which we find ourselves, would be wrong.