"In a public address to the Westmont Villager Board, Fire Chief Frank Trout said he is sorry for offending anyone who heard his political speech during the village’s Memorial Day ceremony, which drew criticism.
"But Trout still believes he did nothing wrong and said he has had numerous phone calls supporting his speech. He also said his speech was not speaking for the Westmont community at large.
“I was speaking as a private citizen and a veteran, and I don’t believe I said anything that was wrong,” he said in an interview Monday, June 1.
"Trout issued a statement May 28 during the public comment section of the Westmont Village Board meeting, where he offered an apology for offending residents with statements he made during the ceremony.
“It was not my intention to bring discredit to the village of Westmont or offend any of its residents, our veterans or those who participated in this service,” he said at the meeting. “I apologize if I did not articulate my thoughts properly, and they were misinterpreted by some.”
(...so basically, some of us democrats are just so damn touchy! )
the mayor...
"Rahn said Monday, June 1 that he does not foresee any further action taken by the Westmont Village Board against Trout."
http://www.mysuburbanlife.com/westmont/homepage/x313669725/Trout-responds-to-Memorial-Day-speech-criticismi can't believe they won't fucking fire his ass!