Report on CPD
Kind of a CPD-heavy day today. University of Chicago Law School professor Craig Futterman released a new study today titled "The Use of Statistical Evidence to Address Police Supervisory and Disciplinary Practices: The Chicago Police Department's Broken System." (Download the .pdf here.) The report is only 40 pages long, and it's un-fucking-believable. In it, Futterman and his co-authors H. Melissa Mather and Melanie Miles outline a blistering analysis of the CPD's "fundamental and systemic" problems, a "culture of not knowing" and a "machinery of denial" when it comes to charges of police abuse. We'll pull out some highlights here, but the entire report is really, really worth reading:
"The odds are two in a thousand that a Chicago police officer will receive any meaningful discipline as a result of being charged with abusing a civilian."
The report then goes on to explain that police brutality is under-reported, which means the odds of a Chicago police officer ever facing real consequences for brutality is even lower than 2 in 1,000; the report puts it at 2 in 10,000.
"While few police departments are known for effectively policing themselves, Chicago is, on a number of accountability measures, significantly worse than the norm.... The average sustained rate for excessive force cases in major metropolitan police departments was 8 percent, compared to Chicago’s 0.48% "