In a friendship that spans decades, state Sen. Louis Viverito, D- Burbank, and Ettore "Hector" Cesario serve together on the Stickney Township Board, attend the same church and live on the same south suburban avenue.
Viverito attended First Communions and graduation parties for Cesario's four children, and Cesario donated more than $4,000 to the senator in the last decade.
So, when Cesario's oldest child prepared for college, he turned to his friend for help. He wanted the legislator to waive his daughter's tuition -- one of the perks of being an Illinois legislator.
"Truthfully, I asked him if there was any chance of her getting the scholarship, because I didn't want to set her up for failure," Cesario said. Viverito granted Maria Cesario, an honors student and musician, three years of free tuition at University of Illinois at Chicago.
Both men vehemently deny the scholarship was an expression of political clout, though examples like this have long prompted criticism of the General Assembly scholarships. Lawmakers can give the valuable freebies to whomever they choose -- and many choose people they know quite well.