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Budget crisis for Illinois libraries

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nickinSTL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-11-09 06:31 PM
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Budget crisis for Illinois libraries
As of now, Illinois library systems, which provide support services to Illinois libraries, are facing a budget crisis.

Illinois library systems provide services such as delivery of library materials between libraries, and often provide the support and day-to-day maintenance of joint library catalogs.

As of now, Illinois library systems, who have had their funding cut by 50% by the Illinois legislature, have not yet received a single payment from the authorized funding from the state - and this 6 months into the fiscal year. If payments do not come quickly, libraries across Illinois will lose the primary means of interlibrary loan (including between libraries in the same system).

Every system in Illinois will be out of money on-hand as of March. Most will run out sooner.

It isn't entirely clear who in state government is responsible, but if you value library services (or the jobs of the system staff, who provide these services) - you need to contact legislators and let them know that playing politics is unacceptable when jobs and lives are on the line.

In a slow economy, library services are more valuable than ever to the public. Since the recession began, library use has skyrocketed. Help libraries keep the services they need.

Libraries have also faced a similar 50% cut in funding - they are not yet feeling the cut, as their checks for the fiscal year that has been cut are not yet due to them - however, even if we get library system funding disbursed, libraries will still be facing huge cuts and difficulties serving their public.

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BadgerKid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-06-10 06:43 AM
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1. It's the whole public ed system ($5 B in the red)
Rumor has it that involutary days off without pay are coming this spring.
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