Last Three Events in "Daybreak" Book Tour
David Swanson is completing a tour of over 50 cities with his new book "Daybreak: Undoing Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union" Louis, February 22
Chicago, February 23
Boston, February 27
St. Louis, MO, February 22
7 p.m. at Left Bank Books
399 North Euclid at McPherson in the Central West End, St. Louis, MO 63108
Sponsored by: Veterans for Peace
Contact Charles Smith: vfpch61 at
Chicago, IL, February 23
7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at Northwestern University, the Evanston Campus
The Tech Institute on 2145 Sheridan Road, First Floor, Lecture Room No. 2.
Contact Karen Pallist: pallist3 at gmail dot com
Boston, Massachusetts, February 27
7 p.m. at the Harvard Coop Bookstore
1400 Massachusetts Avenue, 18 Palmer Street, Cambridge, MA 02238
Store telephone: (617) 499-2000
Contact Melida Arredondo: melida_arredondo at yahoo dot com
Elizabeth Ellis: ellisliza at hotmail dot com