I am so tired of being subjected to FOX news (cough cough to the "news" part) when we have to wait in the VA pharmacy for my husband's prescriptions. They play it loud and it usually winds up a few rednecks and then I have listen to a double dose of right wing extremists! Last time we were there, this one Vet brought his Glenn Beck book along to read and I thought he was going to break into the "Halleluyah" Republicans chorus after he expoused the evils of the socialistic Democratic regime and our evil socialistic President Obama. I finally had enough and got up and walked out but I knew we would have to return so we needed to come up with a plan. I found a "complaint" box at the front desk and wrote a page letter to the VA administrator about being subjected to FOX "news" in the pharmacy waiting area and how I found it to be loud and offensive as well as inciting those with strong Republican feelings to some sort of their own little rally or riot as the case may be. I asked that the channel be changed to the weather station, which would at least be practical as many of us travel many miles to get to the VA hospital. So, if you have nothing else to do, please stop by the VA and address a letter to the administrator that you would like to see something more useful played on the waiting room television that FOX. I plan to have t-shirts made up that say "Democrat and Proud" for us to wear on our next VA visit.