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Clean Green Chicago and Calling Out for Progressive Champions, Everywhere! PDA-IL

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ILMediaProgressives Donating Member (71 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-24-10 03:39 PM
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Clean Green Chicago and Calling Out for Progressive Champions, Everywhere! PDA-IL
Unsustainable energy sources are soooo 40 years ago. Not too mention unregulated, hazardous and just plain, well, unsustainable! However, they continue to feed the need and in the process, muck up our lives and our planet.

Recently, IMPs met up with one of the leaders of the Chicago Clean Power Coalition Becky Clayborn at the April meeting of Progressive Democrats of America in Chicago. Clayborn, also of the Sierra Club, pointed out the deadly health and environmental risks of coal-fired power plants in the United States and in Chicago.

Specifically, the Fisk and Crawford plants on the South and near South West side of Chicago. These two plants have caused major health problems in their surrounding communities of Pilsen and Little Village.

“They have the highest population of individuals around these two coal-fired power plants in Chicago than of any other coal-fired power plant in America,” Clayborn said.

Cleaning up in another way, the Chicago chapter of PDA recently dipped into the California Congressional fray, which has been called one of 7 National races to watch by the San Francisco Chronicle and a fight for the soul of the Democratic party.

It was quite fun too!

PDA hosted a super successful phone bank party and made plenty of calls into CA-36 for Progressive Democrat Marcy Winograd who is running against blue dog Jane Harman in the June 8th Democratic Primary. Harman has literally described herself as "one of the best Republicans in the Democratic party"


Well, PDA-IL will not let that kind of talk stand. No way. No where. So they got on the phones for Marcy and will do so again. And again. Until the voices of "We the People" are heard.

See the videos and read more here:

Check out what's up with your local PDA folks too!

Thanks for all you do!
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