from Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death penalty:
The people of Illinois are ready to end the death penalty.
Legislators may consider SB 3539 on the House floor in the lame-duck session this week (between right now and Thursday afternoon)!
There isn't a moment to lose. Call the Capitol switchboard number today at 217-782-2000 and ask for your legislator by name. You can say: "I'm a constituent and I urge you to support SB 3539."
Not sure which district you're in? Not a problem. Click here to look up your legislators: this information to 5 friends or family in Illinois.
The people of Illinois are ready to end the death penalty. Help us expand the network of people taking action by sending this email to a few friends or family members who will contact their state legislators.
You can rest assured they won't be added to our email list. They can read more about why it's time to repeal the death penalty and use the cost savings for victim services and training for law enforcement at
Download Fact Sheet Here:
SB 3539 Death Penalty Repeal Bill Summary:
The bill will repeal the death penalty and place the funds remaining in the Capital Litigation Trust Fund into a fund to be used for murder victims’ families services and law enforcement;
The fund will be administered by the Criminal Justice Information Authority;
Funds that were initially appropriated to the Office of the Attorney General, Office of the Cook County State’s Attorney, the Office of the Cook County Public Defender, the Office of the State Appellate Defender, and the Office of the State’s Attorney Appellate Prosecutor will remain with those agencies to supplement their caseload.
from National Coalition to Abolish the Death penalty:
And with the new year comes renewed opportunities for Abolition of the death penalty around the nation. We'll soon be sharing the news about other upcoming campaigns, but RIGHT NOW we have a great opportunity to help our colleagues at the Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty move the ball forward in Illinois.
SB 3539 is set to move to a vote any time during the current lame duck session of the Illinois legislature, between right now and Thursday afternoon.
If you live in Illinois ... please take the action right now, even if you have called before. If you don't live in Illinois, think about who you know who does, and send this alert to them, or call them with the info. There's not a moment to lose!
ALSO - NCADP staff is helping out from our DC offices and on the ground in Springfield - follow us on twitter here: to receive the latest updates. Thanks for taking action now!
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director of Affiliate Support
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
202-331-4090 - Office
561-371-5204 - Mobile
Thank you!!