The IL State Senate will be back Monday-and with your help, will vote to abolish the deathpenalty! Take action the fight is not over yet. After taking a moment -- just one moment -- to celebrate, pick up the phone and call your State Senator. If you're not from Illinois, then forward the link to this page ( to your friends and family who are.
Remember, our bill, SB 3539, takes the savings from death penalty abolition and invests in law enforcement training and services for victims and their families.
Illinois House votes to abolish death penalty
Historic move now goes to the state Senate
By Ray Long and Todd Wilson
January 06, 2011 — — The death penalty would be abolished in Illinois under legislation the House approved for the first time Thursday, but the ban's fate is uncertain in the final days of the General Assembly's lame-duck session.
Others said they supported the idea of the death penalty, but couldn't in good faith allow for executions when it has been proved that Illinois' system is broken.
"I could administer the death penalty myself to a cop killer or a serial murder and sleep like a baby at night if I knew without a doubt of their guilt," said Rep. Susana Mendoza, D-Chicago, who is running for city clerk. "(But) we've come horrifyingly close to executing innocent men, and it could happen again."
from NCADP:
Even if you've called before, if you're an Illinois resident, go to and look up your legislators, and call your SENATOR. Make the call now there's precious little time before the Senate must concur in this vote.
If you're not from Illinois, please forward this alert to those of your friends and family, colleagues and acquaintances who are. We need every abolition voice in Illinois to speak up!
Take Action Now!
Make sure your State Senator and the Governor know that repealing the death penalty right now is a top priority.
First, please enter your zip code below, and you will see your legislators in the right column. Then, use the form provided to email your Senator and Governor Quinn, and call them as well.
Let them know you live in their district and ask them to support SB 3539 – the bill to repeal the death penalty in Illinois.
Please personalize the email below by adding a line or two about why you support repeal:
- It risks executing an innocent person.
- It fails murder victims’ family members.
- It costs Illinois taxpayers millions of dollars more than alternatives without keeping us any safer.
- Which of the death penalty's flaws worries you most?
Remember - we need you to EMAIL, CALL (the phone numbers will appear in the right column), and get your friends & family, colleagues & classmates to take action as well.
Thanks for your efforts! Let's not let up now...
Sachin Chheda
Deputy Director
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty***
Thank you!
*edit to correct spelling