...This was sent to me from Progressive Democrats of Illinois:
...I will be there...hope to see you all!
----- Original Message -----
From: Lora Chamberlain
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 6:01 PM
To: IL4Kucinich@yahoogroups.com; noiraqwar; ChiAntiWar@yahoogroups.com; lpnufp@yahoogroups.com; logansquareagainstthewar@yahoogroups.com; IL Progressive Dems; CCAWR@aol.com
Actions around the Voter Fraud issue in IL-Please post or print! Thanks!
We will be holding a rally in front of Senator Durbin's office in downtown Chicago at the Federal Bldg., 230 S. Dearborn St. Ste 3892 at noon, every Monday, from 12/13/04 through 1/3/05 or until he says "Yes" to our request that he be the Senator that signs the House Challenge to the Electoral College Vote on Jan 6th! This vote on Nov 2nd was too flawed to tolerate and we will not accept another fraudulent election like that of 2000! Come help deliver a Senator to the House for Christmas!
We will also be holding a rally in front of Obama's office in downtown Chicago at 310 S. Michigan, Suite 1720 on every Wed. from 12/15/04 through 1/5/04 at noon-1pm. We are also asking Obama to be the 1 Senator to sign the House Challenge to the Electoral vote on Jan 6th. We will not give up until we get a "YES"!!!!
If any one gets a "YES" from either Obama or Durbin please notify me right away at drlora@ameritech.net and give me the aide or staff person you talked to so that I can verify it. Thanks!!!!! Dr. Lora of the Illinois Progressive Democrats
For more info, call 312-822-0505 | Visit the Chicagoans Against War and Injustice website at: http://www.NoIraqWar-chicago.org | Send tax-deductible contributions, made out to Public Action Foundation; to Chicagoans Against War & Injustice, 350 W Hubbard St Suite 200, Chicago IL 60610
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