Good thing is many of us who are involved here also worked on the Bean campaign; along with a very strong effort by teachers and the local PTA.
Unfortunately, I've dealt with these type of referendum before and...especially in tough times...you get those without children or the elderly who just see the tax hike side of this without understanding all the causes that forced these districts to hold referendums. Too many are soaked deep in the "we pay too much in taxes already" mantra and don't understand how they've been getting less for their taxes in this area in the past 4 years and how this regime's tax cut hurt the state's tax base that is hurting every school district.
These are very good districts that put a minimum on politics and my children have had great teachers and opportunities, these cuts always hurt the ones who need the funding, the programs, the education most. My hopes are there's enough sensible people this district to realize that and understand how these districts ended up in financial straits.