I would like to volunteer my time to the Cook County Democratic Party. Upon review of your website, CookCountyDems.com, I was a bit discouraged to find no information available to those interested in developing firsthand the kind of leadership and productivity the Democratic Party needs at this point. The links made available include vital contact information (with no e-mail addresses), a $B!F(Bcalendar of events$B!G(B with one tentative item scheduled, and a link to send donations. As much as I love Hillary Rodham Clinton, and wish the Democratic Party much success in that fundraising event, this simply cannot be all the information made available by one of the most influential Democratic counties in the nation.
Furthermore, as an academic and student, I find it rather discouraging to think that monetary contributions are given such a precedence over the time and brainpower one can volunteer. As a student, I do not presently have the opportunity to make substantial monetary gifts. Time, dedication, inspiration, influential connections, and a valuable understanding of raising party awareness, however, I can offer. Some of the most important links we can foster, as members of a progressive party on the national and local scale, are those reaching out to the young minds who are influential in their own communities. Through a student base alone, we can initiate fundraisers, increase education of politics (in Cook County and abroad), and gain valuable manpower and a dedication to a cause much larger than ourselves. We may even get some pro-bono work on that horrible website of yours. Sorry, it had to be said.
In outlining these issues, I hope to raise awareness in the office of the Cook County Democratic Party. Again, I stand dedicated to the cause, and am willing to offer my services and myself – be it only for stuffing envelopes at first. Every little bit helps.
Thanks for your time, and do please get back to me.