I don't know about the rest of you, but I love when a film shoots in Chicago. I always get a kick out of seeing my city on the big screen. I'm especially curious to see "The Weatherman" starring Nicholas Cage, Michael Caine, and Hope Davis which comes out April 1st of this year. The plot line on imdb.com says that Caine's character must deal with his problems that arise from wanting to move to New York. My only concern is that they degrade Chicago as the "Second City" when it's really second to none. You can actually live in Chicago as oppose to only existing in New York. I'll like the movie even more if shows the advantages to living in Chicago compared to New York.
Here's a link to the imdb.com website for the film:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0384680/?fr=c2l0ZT1kZnxteD0yMHxzZz0xfGxtPTIwMHx0dD1vbnxwbj0wfHE9V2VhdGhlciBNYW58aHRtbD0xfG5tPW9u;fc=1;ft=20;fm=1The trailer should be up too.