"To mangle an old phrase, hell hath no fury like a father-in-law scorned.
According to Alderman Dick Mell (33rd), the father-in-law of Governor Rod Blagojevich, he is the proverbial "old wife" who has been used and spurned. "(Blagojevich) uses people, and he used me," Mell is quoted as saying. "He uses everybody, and when there's no more use, he discards them."
Mell, who plucked Blagojevich from obscurity and engineered his election to the Illinois House in 1992 and to the U.S. House in 1996, and who was instrumental in his son-in-law's nomination and election as governor in 2002, now concludes that Blagojevich is the type of guy who, as he puts it, would "throw anyone under the bus."
But this familial spat took on critical importance when Mell accused chief Blagojevich fund raiser Chris Kelly of "trading appointments to commissions for checks for $50,000" to the governor's campaign fund and used the word "criminality." That allegation triggered a joint investigation by the offices of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Cook County State's Attorney Dick Devine, who now have relevant state personnel records, as well as Kelly's demand for a retraction by Mell, coupled with the threat of a lawsuit for defamation. The saga will continue."
To say that Stewart paints Blago's re-election chances at this stage bleak would be putting it lightly. Stewart also provides a potential challenger to Blago that I haven't seen mentioned here. Anti-Blago people will eat this article up.