David knew that when he stepped up to run. Johnson works it 24/7/365 and I can't think of many candidates other than David Gill that I've seen who could match that same pace. Frankly, Dr. Gill stepped into a potential void and emerged a star, IMO.
I have complete and total respect for Dr. David Gill, and I was delighted when his wife (Polly) let it slip one day that he was considering a second run. I have NEVER seen a Dem candidate for that seat work any harder, and I am certain his next race will be an outstanding one.
I've seen other candidates take on Johnson and they have fared very poorly against him. Some worked hell out of it, some didn't do squat. David looked like the class act that he is every step of the way thru it, and he looked a lot better than anybody else we've ever put up there.
I've driven his truck for him in parades, I've worn his buttons even in the primary (against one of our local Dems, who ain't a bad guy) and I carried his campaign addy in my sig line here. I gave him my money and my time and never regretted it one bit.
David is not over reaching, and if we can get him elected he's gonna be a kick ass Congressman.