I received a ticket for parking in a no parking zone in December. I guess I should have noticed the "no parking" sign but my x-ray vision couldn't see the sign through the Christmas decorations wrapped around the pole so I receive a $50 dollar ticket. No big deal, I figured, since the sign was clearly obstructed and I just happened to have my cell phone with digital camera ( I guess they are good for more than drunken bar pictures ) handy. Like a good citizen, I fill out the ticket and mail it back in the envelope provided along with the very clear evidence of an obstructed sign.
Now, thirty days later I receive a "final determination of guilt" because I failed to pay OR failed to contest the ticket by mail. After sitting on hold for 15 minutes with the Department of Revenue I'm told that I must take time off from work and appear in person to contest in front of a hearing officer.
I guess I'm going to appear for the principle and because I'm sick of being one of Mayor Daley's "fine-bots".