Passing this on from a campaign friend
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 06:09:59 -0000 From: "Jason" <paleo80@yahoo.com> Subject: Field Organizers Wanted (Second Posting)
Hi Everyone,
Some of you may remember me from the Dean Campaign, I worked in Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin. I am the field director for Christine Cegelis' campaign for Congress against Henry Hyde. We need 15 field organizers to start work as soon as possible. Here is the ad I typed up:
The Christine Cegelis Campaign is looking for field organizers in Illinois' 6th District (Chicago). The ideal candidates should be passionate about politics and be able to work long hours on minimal pay. Duties include implementing voter outreach programs, event coordination, coordinating phone banks, recruiting volunteers and managing canvasses and receiving small donations. Housing, gas and food are provided and experience is helpful, but not required. Interested parties should send their resume to paleo80@yahoo.com and I will review it and give you a call. If you have any questions feel free to send them along with your resume. Thanks.
Jason Epstein