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Belleville News Democrat: Illinois Style: This house is for cats only

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Tweed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-12-05 02:45 PM
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Belleville News Democrat: Illinois Style: This house is for cats only

"CARTHAGE, Ill. - There is a brand new house outside of Carthage where the only full-time residents are 12 cats.

My Mathew's House could not only be considered the future of animal shelters, but some might say that it is Club Med for homeless cats waiting to be adopted.

With their "No Cages" policy, Martha Anderson, president, and Kristen DeWitt, vice president, have combined their efforts to purchase a furnished modular home where the bedrooms serve as feline communes. Anderson and DeWitt have replaced the solid doors on each room with screened ones, and brought in furniture to add a little touch of home.

"The furniture is really in the rooms so that people can come in and sit down and interact with the cats, it's not just for the cats to sit on," DeWitt said.

There are eleven bedrooms in the house specifically designated for certain types of cats. There are four color-coded isolation rooms, where new cats are kept for two weeks until they are ready to join the general population. There are also rooms for young cats, older cats, cats with kittens and two isolated birthing rooms, where mothers can nurse their kittens until they are old enough to socialize with the other cats."

Seems like much more of a Lounge thread, but oh well.

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