I was at the Student Commission meeting today when the president of the college SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) club approached me. Now, everyone on that campus knows me, if not by name, as "the College Democrats guy", right? So, dude tells me about a forum he's putting together on Social Security privatization, and he wants the College Democrats to participate. I'm thinking this is going to be a debate-type thingy, so I ask if he wants us to present an anti-privatization POV. He's like, oh no, this isn't a debate, we're just having our congressman, Don Manzullo (who's a pro-privatization Repug of the worst kind) and the Edward Jones people come and talk to young people about what they should invest in, blah blah blah, yackety schmackety. He said that since there's a Republican Congress and a Republican President, it's going to pass, so that's why they're doing it. I told him it's no sure thing, and that if he wants the College Democrats to participate in his little event, it's going to be to present an alternate POV to the Republican line, and if he wouldn't acquiesce, then he could kiss off. And I left. Anyway, this just had me so pissed, I felt like venting. Thank you for your time. :D