Nationally, only
1 in 5 gun owners is a hunter. Four out of five aren't.
The proposed ban would outlaw ALL civilian shotguns that take a detachable magazine. All of them. As well as all fixed-magazine civilian shotguns that hold more than 5 rounds.
This measure would ban civilian rifles and shotguns based on how the
stock is shaped (if the handgrip sticks out, it's banned).
It also bans all civilian firearms, including ordinary handguns and .22 caliber squirrel rifles, that hold more than 10 rounds.
THAT is a huge slap in the face to law-abiding gun owners, especially considering that last year there were only four murders in the ENTIRE state using rifles and shotguns of ANY type., Fists,
.........Murders...Firearms................................(Type Unknown)..Weapons....Weapons........Feet
Illinois.....448.....337.........313.......4..........0..........20..........37...........64..........10Can the hysteria and look at the data. All rifles and shotguns COMBINED accounted for only 4 murders out of 448 in the state in 2005. More than twice as many people in Illinois were murdered with fists and feet as with all kinds of rifles combined. Nine times as many people were murdered with edged weapons as with rifles.
So, tell me again why civilian ownership of rifles and shotguns with handgrips that stick out is SO dangerous that they need to be outlawed?