Its like putting Jessie James in charge of Banks.
Dear Governor, I am a stockholder in Exelon corporation. I am disabled. I rely on that investment to live on. Your appointment of Cohen has costs us plenty! This man is obviously completely bias and just wants to steal from stockholders. This citizen is very angry with your policies and this appointment. First you attack the Catholic Church at Maryville, then you destroy public education to balance budget, now you steal from retirees and the disabled to score political points. Exelon should be allowed to run its business like any other. We get a whopping 3% dividend despite having build zero emmission highly expensive and regulated up the wazzooo power plants with massive security! Meanwhile stupid utilities in other states HAVE BLACKOUTS IN NY AND SCAMS LIKE IN CALIFORNIA! Exelon is probably the most honest, well run company in the entire nation and YOU ARE SCREWING THEM! Just proves Illinois is a land of politics and bad for business.
------- Justify the appointment of Marty Cohen to Exelon Stockholders please. Calm the markets which decline 10 percent on this news alone.