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Illinois LBN - Controversial ICC nominee Cohen rejected by IL Senate!

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Chicago Democrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-03-05 01:41 PM
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Illinois LBN - Controversial ICC nominee Cohen rejected by IL Senate!
Marty Cohen, founder of CUB, and now the governors' nominee for ICC chairman was REJECTED by the Democratic controlled Senate today.

(Heard on WGN, not confirmed just yet)

Yes, i'm an exelon investor and totally biased, BUT this nominee was TOTAL PANDERING TO THE VOTER AT THE EXPENSE OF FAIR PLAY. That is the reason he was rejected. Its NOT FAIR to have CUB president and founder set the electricity rates, just as it isn't fair to Exelon CEO do it.

Comm Ed is the most reliable and lowest rates in the nation, Blagojevich is simply trying to save his criminal, corrupt political carreer by basically looting an independent corporation. It just wasnt fair! Electricity costs simply are NOT A BIG ISSUE for Illinois voters! They've had CUB hound them for years and the rates are fair.

Now Natural Gas is a whole another issue! People need help with that this winter. Its costs have risen outragiously compared to electricity. Electricity in Illinois is produced with cheap, cheap nuclear power which costs very low to incrementally create compared to coal.
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DrGonzoLives Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-03-05 02:01 PM
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1. Exelon investor?
Get your damn company to reopen the Zion nuclear plant, dammit.
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mopinko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-03-05 08:10 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. at least keep the power house open!
it is really sad that that great little museum had to close with the plant.

there have been utility company hacks on the board for years, so.......
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Chicago Democrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-03-05 09:17 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. You're probably correct, still, rates havent gone up like around the rest
of the country because Exelon went nuclear. That makes illinois more competative. People also remember the California power disaster and the related Enron debacle which gave us Ahrnold! Also the East Coast had that massive blackout because their companies SUCK. So Exelon is great and doing well and good. Having all that cheap nukes. Because of this and it was a shocker to everyone when he pulled this one. It cost me alot of money, so yes im pissed. Money I was gonna fix the roof with. Money that I was gonna give to Democrats. Oh well... it didn't stand so i'm happier, even tho I actually was personally financially hurt. 'If they stab us, do we not bleed?'

Blago is desperate because he knows he's sinking fast. This was another move like the 'insurance for kids' thing. In that case, a good idea. But the ICC nomination of Cohen pissed off some powerful interests that cross party lines so I am not too suprised it didn't fly.

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