This is in response to this: me know what you think. Suggestions are happily welcomed!
I commend the editorial staff of the IDS for publishing a balanced analysis of House Bill 1531, but I must comment on the real partisan nature of this legislation. I urge all students interested in this matter to visit the web site of the Students for Academic Freedom (SAF), the organization behind the bill:
The leader of the SAF is David Horowitz, editor-in-chief of the conservative news outlet In a 2004 documentary titled “Roots of the Ultra Left”, produced by the Leadership Institute, Horowitz states, “Modern liberals are socialists, they’re not liberals. What are they liberal about besides hard drugs and sex? Everything else they want to control in your life. That’s true of the Democratic Party. It’s true of the British Labor Party. They’re socialists. That’s their religion.”
It is clear that this group, led by Horowitz, is radical in any sense of the word, and his concept of the “liberal” is not a mainstream one. Furthermore, they have not established the need for the legislation they have proposed, nor have they established the validity of the myth of liberal indoctrination in higher education. I abhor each Hoosier voter reading this to write your state representatives in Indianapolis to stop HB 1531.
As students, we are free to roam the academic landscape that has been laid down by those before us. We are charged with the task of leaving it better than when we found it. To those who do believe that a bias permeates through Indiana University, please strive to become professors and grace future students with your views. Academia should not be constricted by partisanship, and it is your right to experience and perpetuate this virtue.
Graduate Student